Whole 30

Whole 30 isn't just a fad diet, it's a different way of looking at the quality of food that you are putting into your body. 
I know that sometimes I get into that habit of holiday "snacking" all the way past Valentine's Day. There comes a time when my body starts to feel it, yet I still ignore the signs. I crave my usual peanut butter M&Ms and then I go and get some since I'm craving sugar. My body starts to hate me and I feel like a sloth, I get tired and grumpy more easily and I feel unmotivated to work out. 

Whole 30 was my way in 2019 of kicking myself in the a** and finally treating my body well. We had a lot of serious things happen throughout 2018 and I was stress eating beyond belief...I knew I needed a true reset. 

Under my Whole 30 posts you will find my favorite recipe, my husband's favorite recipe, and my son's favorite recipe. I know what you're thinking, "this crazy mom made her son do Whole 30"--no he did not, he still had his mac and cheese and sugary cereal 😝--I could only, on rare occasion, trick him into eating a few more veggies than usual while we did Whole 30.

Below are some amazing books that can help you with your journey through Whole 30!


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